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Military life is likely a big part of Ctarl-Ctarl society. After all, they were able to hold their own against humanity in their conflict. Their ships are very well built and honour is given to those who rise in military ranking.

Aisha's Graduation


When Aisha worked as a waitress during the Space Race and encountered Gene, she prayed to the God of Ctarl. Whether the religion is widespread is unknown.

Aisha Praying to the God of Ctarl

Culinary and Fashion

Discussed earlier, Gejidabo stew dates back to the beginning of the Ctarl-Ctarl calendar. It would make sense for their cuisine and other aspects of their world to be vastly different. However, they're able to digest our food easily enough. The reverse isn't true.

Interestingly though, Ctarl-Ctarl fashion is similar to ours. This is shown in episode five's (below) opening. It's possible such fashion was introduced as a fad due to Ctarl-Ctarl interest in human fashion, though they generally look down on humans.

Young Aisha in Dress
Written by Mantis and Seth Clanclan